The mission of The Center for Strategic Leadership and Organizational Coherence (CSL) is to
build the capacity of teacher, school, and district leaders to create and sustain equity-driven
systems that foster student flourishing, deep learning, and high student achievement.
LIFT-TQP, a division of CSL, recruits, prepares, places, and on-boards participating teacher and
administrative candidates for service as highly effective teachers and school leaders in its high-
need partner districts, and then in non-partner Title 1 schools and districts. Though it includes
administrators, this program is called Leaders Investing in Future Teachers (LIFT) and
executes a U.S. Department of Education’s Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) grant.

Recruiting occurs among student-teacher candidates and college bachelor’s degree graduate via a large variety of means and methods such as personal contact with community organizations, university alumni and Master degree personnel, existing teachers enhancing their certification or entering school leadership, and encouraging school personnel to enter the instructional field, among other means.

Preparation for teacher and school leadership occurs within LIFT-TQP’s southeastern Michigan partner university – Wayne State University – as well as additional micro-credentialing, professional learning community participation, and post-certificate coaching. Preparation also occurs within partner districts’ Grow-Your-Own educator development programs in which existing students and existing educational staff gain and improve instructional and leadership skills for utilization, advancement, and promotion without the necessity of college attendance.

LIFT-TQP’s highly-qualified teachers and school leaders- its fellows, have interview and hiring priority with LIFT-TQP’s school district partners because they recognize the need and benefit of diverse personnel in the lives and systems of their communities. Research clearly reveals that this diversity inspires and motivates their population, demonstrates and prepares people for participation within the larger world community, and creates a greater synergy from the various perspectives offered to address local, regional, and national challenges. To accomplish its task, LIFT-TQP will provide some instructional technology, training, field experiences, and coaching to all fellows to ensure success as a professional and within the community environment. In addition, the LIFT-TQP program, through Wayne State University, also provides school administrator fellows with a stipend of $16,000.
Apply with LIFT-TQP
For all candidates, LIFT-TQP will provide coaching and mentoring, instructional technology,
certification test preparation, educational conference attendance, and ongoing learning
community opportunities. Candidates pursuing their Michigan administrative
certification will receive a stipend of up to 16K through the university.

" One of the things that I really like about LIFT is how cutting edge the program is with technology. I have gained new resources over the past few months that I did not have before."
Melody Moore - Cohort 2 Member